Thursday, November 30, 2006

At a "Standstill"

This is my most recent project, which for the moment, I've named.....Standstill; a picture of a 4-ounce shot glass with water in it.
It's 6x8 inches on Bristol Smooth paper, done with Prismacolor pencils. I've used black, salmon pink, sunburst yellow, cool grey 70%, powder blue, indigo blue and putty beige. You can see here, the three stages in which I've done so far.

This is a rough sketch of the glass, which was drawn out with a simple graphite pencil.

Now, I've started adding the darkest parts of the

And this, is my lastest update. I've begun to add less than the darkest colors. Colors, such as putty beige and cool grey 70%.
Happy Christmas Season and Holidays and Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Showing the Cheek

This is my latest art card (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches) on Bristol Smooth paper, done with Prismacolor pencils. This aceo was done by a reference to my lovable and silly Scottie, Lucy. When she sees that camera, you better believe that she's going to show off. My shameless canine willingly sat down on the grass while I brought the camera out and turned her face at a tilt sideways. Quote from the Mask "She is so coy."
You can also find it at my website under ACEOs, under dog art cards.
Happy blogging!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"It's Showtime!" finished and Chistmas Shopping

9 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches on olive green colourfix, done with Primacolor pencils, "It's Showtime!" is at last finished! And good riddence! (I hope I spelled that right!) Those dimples on those oranges were driving me cerrr-razzzay! You can find this latest still life at my website under Still lifes.
Christmas season is finally here! Hurray! My how fast the year has passed. At least, to me it has. My family and I bought stockings yesterday, among other elf-like shopping trips. That's when I realized how crazy and spastic Christmas shopping is. I mean, really! People get so wound up, including me (!) despite having told myself that it's silly to get so hectic. Yet......we do it anyway! Is it in our human nature? From our genes? All that delicious (ooooh, oh so sinful) holiday sugar and caffeine highs?
Whatever it is, low oxygen seems to make this annoyance worse. I know this all too well from shopping at Walmart yesterday. Your husband (any man that is with you for that matter) will start getting more and more enthusiastic, and not neccesarily in a good way. He'll begin pulling at his chin, running his fingers through his hair until it stands up madly, his eyes will get bloodshot, and he'll complain about how hungry he is, in between giving us more sensible females strange and otherwise less than sensible gift ideas. "Hey honey, let's get this hair trimmer set for my sister, she loves to give hair cuts!" or "Oh look! A cheese grater for Sam!" or how about (against your feeble protests) "This is bigger, let's get this one!" You get the idea.
Maybe I can't stop you from becoming hectic, but at least you won't say that I didn't warn you.
Happy Christmas Season and Holidays!
oh, and Happy Blogging!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Earnest again!

Here's my next update on "Earnest". I added more face, more blanket, a tail, and an arm.
Since my brother-in-law can't make it for Thanksgiving today (awwww), we're going to celebrate it tomorrow so that he can be with us.
I can't wait for all that food, especially since my older sister, who happens to be the best cook ever, is making it! Whoo hoo! *I guess I can wait another 24 hours.
*Biting my nails and eating oreos while vibrating until then.
Anyway, everyone-I know that I've said this a million times before, but happy Thanksgiving! Oh, and don't worry about the burnt turkey, the slushy mashed potatoes, or the crunchy stuffing. Really. Honest. Don't worry about it-people will give you grief cause they know they'd end up doing the same thing, though since they're not they can tease you about it.
I should know, I overcookied the turkey a teeny eeny bit last year, and got so angry about my sis comenting on it's color that I pulled the thermonater out of the turkey with my bare hand. That was extremely unpleasant.
So, anyway, my point is, at least you have a turkey to burn, the stuffing to make crunchy, and the potatoes to make slushy. Also, last but certainly not least, be glad that you aren't stupid enough to pull out a turkey thermonater with your bare hands. But then, I guess you could be happy that you had a hand to burn in the first place. Ha! Well, happy blogging and happy thanks!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


This project-work-in-progress is called "Earnest" because that's the best defination I have at the moment for this little guy's adorable expression on his face. This is Vinegar, and if you haven't read the previous posts, he's one of my two manic and lovable kittens. This is 8x10 inches on Bristol Smooth paper, done with Prismacolor pencils.
His beautiful innocent eyes were what most encouraged me to draw him; they were done with black, tuscan red, henna, grass green, spring green, kelp green, dark umber, burnt ochre, violet, and indigo blue. The blanket beneath him includes violet, indigo blue, ultramarine, copenhagen blue, and non-photo blue. His face includes a lot of tuscan red, also black, dark umber, light umber, burnt ochre, violet, indigo blue, henna, and peach, and salmon pink.
I'm so excited! My older brother and sister and her amusing husband have come down for Thanksgiving (little squeal/shriek erupts). Gotta go, we're all gonna watch a some video, (*it may be bad, but I don't care!)
*don't care means 50%
Pass out the dark chocolate, milk, oreos, and ben and jerry's icecream, yeah!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Blogging everyone!

Monday, November 20, 2006


This is a portrait of my sister's little one year old son, Will, who likes to make cute, and sometimes not-so-cute noises, eat Cheese-its and fruit snacks; (and I don't mean plain old fruit!) those little gummy-beary fruit thingies. Also, Will and trouble just seem to go together like cheese and crackers, or oreos and milk-whether it's turning off or on the TV, calling a confused someone on the phone, or messing with the computer until it starts making irriatated warning noises.
Anyway, it's on blue colourfix done with Prismacolor pencils and it's 4x6 inches. Also, as you can most likely tell, ( I hope so anyway!) it's not done yet. So keep checking in to see the finished product. One other note: the colors which have been really used in this picture so far have been Indigo blue, copenhagen blue, black, ultramrine, and chocolate brown(some of my favorite colors!).
It's getting cold outside at last! Are any of you beginning to think of Thanksgiving, Christmas and (gasp!) the new year? 2007.....eeek!
Time to grab some turkeys people! But, slow down! I wouldn't multi-task if I were you. What are you saying? You might ask. I'm saying, don't put a bottle of champange into a turkey and fold it in holiday wrapping paper with a tacky bow. Better to think of these things one step at a time.
Ah, time for me to prepare myself for IMR (Invasion of the Manic Relatives).
Until then:
Happy blogging, and if you don't hear from me later, Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Update on "It's Showtime!"

Hey folks! Just thought I'd add an update on my fruit stilllife colored pencil project. Sorry about the mouthful. Anyway, I've added the background, which I'm nearly done with but I'll throw in a couple tweaks here and there of, oh, probably 80% cool grey and lavender.
My cunning weapons? Lavender, copenhagen blue, ultramarine, tuscan red, indigo blue, violet, and black Prismacolor pencils. I used the black only for the absolute darkest parts. Also, I incorporated the blues and darkest layers of color on last.
You can see more about this project at my website, at
under: What's On My Desk?
and at
Until next time happy blogging!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Han Solo

Today, I did a 5x7 pencil portrait on Bristol Smooth paper, done with Prismacolor pencils of...... He's cool, he's cliche, he's arrogant, Han Solo!
The colors I comprised this of are black, white, and cool grey 30%.
I love Star Wars. I don't mean just like Star Wars, or even love Star Wars. I'll admit, that I'm a little OBSESSED! I am not fond of the new Star Wars movies though, I am but a conservative Star Wars fan. I will loyally stick to the originals. Someday, I hope to buy an untouched unfussed over Star Wars movie set. Until then, I'll have to make do of the touched-up version of the original that I have sitting on my shelf right now. So if you exuse me, I'm going to pop some popcorn and grab some ben and jerry's icecream and a spoon.
Happy blogging!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bing Crosby and the manic kittens

This is my first attempt at a pencil portrait of one of my all time favorite actors, Bing Crosby. This portrait is 5 x 7 inches on Bristol Smooth paper done with black, white, french grey 70%, and cool grey 30% Prismacolor pencils. If you haven't seen or heard of this great actor and singer much, I would highly suggest checking out "Going My Way". It's a very good, funny, entertaining, and touching movie. One of my definate favorites.
My kittens are getting very restless by now, since they have probably explored every inch of my room so much by now that they know it better than I do! They've found numerous things which I would have completely forgotten about in places such as under my bed. Things such as paper, rubber balls, jewerly, wash cloths, and numerous lost dust bunny pets. Tamlin, the black kitten, has grown very adventurous and fierce in her advancement of growth, as you can see above.
You can also hear my little feline minions galloping madly across the floor from downstairs. What on earth are they doing? You wonder. They are chasing each other and fighting for ultimate kitten supremacy, that's what they're doing! You'll see them grasping each other's necks and each rabbit-kicking the other's head. Whatever got into these kittens? I ask myself. Too much food, I decide. Or is it too much kitty litter? Whatever the reason, I told someone the other day that if they kept up this head smacking they'd end up completely brain-dead by the time they were full grown. But then, isn't that what happens to all cats?
Until next time,
happy blogging!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Today, I did a really fast art card of my brother's mischievious Irish Terrier, Bailey. I called it "Cookie?" because that's what my brother always carries in his pockets for him, alas the adorable and irresistable expression on his face.
Bailey knows this word all too well. Once, he got at a table while we weren't with them and brought down a half-full container of dog biscuits! Did I mention that it was a one pound box at least? He and his eager friend, (my biscaholic scottie, Lucy) voraciously, and as I can imagine, fairly easily ate the whole loot between them.
Bailey also knows the word "walk", too, and you better be careful what you say, cause he knows how it's spelled, too. When the word is pronounced, he'll madly jump up and down and paw you crazily until you retreat out the door.
Anyway, this art card is on 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches on colourfix paper, done with Prismacolor pencils.

Until next time, be careful what you choose to tell (teach) your dog.

Oh, and don't leave any biscuits (food for that matter) anywhere lower than 3 1/2 feet tall. It doesn't matter what size they are (even a yorkie for that matter). Beware, they will always find a way.
Happy Blogging!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Milo and Max

This is my latest ACEO (which is 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches) of a horse affectionately nibbling his equine friend. My mother and I dubbed it, Come here, Suga! Reminds me how when I was little my dad would pretend his lips were stuck and make loud kissing noises while my mother would roll her eyes. This is what this card reminds me of.
Sigh. What a month. A few days ago, one of our favorite cats, our own Milo, disappeared. We suspect that he was killed by a coyote, by the telltale signs that my family and I witnessed, which I will not go into now. This post is in honor of him, as well for my beloved, wonderful, gentle giant schnauzer, Max, who died yesterday. I'll always miss them, especially for Milo who died at an unfitting age, and an unfitting death. You can also visit "Come here, Suga" at my website under horse ACEOs, and the numerous art cards I made of our wonderful Milo are under cat ACEOs.
I know this is not a happy post, so I can't very well say 'happy blogging' but I had to mention it.
Have a happy blogging, anyway!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's showtime!

This is my most recent colored pencil project. I thought I'd do fruit for a change. Did I mention I've never done fruit before? Okay, just once, but I didn't finish it, err, I won't go into that...I always find that it's very important to choose your drawing subject very carefully- you can't just like it, you have to really enjoy looking at it, otherwise you might not be able to pull yourself through to finishing it.
Take my advice: draw what you like.
Anyway, this is 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches on olive green colourfix paper, done with Prismacolor pencils. You like it? Well, umm, yeah, I know it's not done yet.....It's kinda in that awkward stage at the moment.
I took this reference among a few dozen others, on one particularily sunny day about a week ago, as well as a few pictures of some keys. I know, who would draw a picture of keys? I would! They're sooo....shiny, and complex. They're a very realistic subject too, once you've nailed them.

Anyway, my fruity picture involves a lot of interesting colors. Among these unusual colors includes: indigo blue, violet, and lime peel. Why? The first two work well for shadows of all sorts, and lime peel goes well behind red.

One other thing-make sure to glance at my website-I've added a few more items to a couple of my galleries, especially under cats in ACEOs; so be sure and take a look.
Happy blogging!

Monday, November 06, 2006

October Oliver and Time Wasting

Ever since I took this photo early last month I've really been wanting to use it for some colored pencil drawing. I felt very lucky to have caught our usually lazy inside cat batting so passionately at an oak leaf.
This is an art card, 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches on blue colourfix, done with Prismacolor pencils.
I've noticed recently how you won't do much of anything, yet you find that you have no time. My brother complains about this, oh, at least twice a day. You find this out very well when you watch your sister's two year old and one year old for a few days....I won't go into that. All I'll say is that there was a lot of noise, hair-pulling, and sibling rivalry involved.
Anyway, you check out your calender, and you find that everyday is booked. How could this have happened? What am I doing that takes up so much time?
Feeding, playing, doing general verb like things with our seven cats and three dogs. Watching House and America's Next Top Model (why, oh why do I watch that show?) Planning. Planning what? Anything! Everything! I love lists, even if I don't 'touch' them later.
Why is it that I had endless amounts of time when I was young, then? What did I do with my time?
Ate stuffing, refried beans, macaroni and cheese, cheese sticks, milk, apple juice, and french fries. I played with stuffed animals, ran a lot of outside, and argued with my brother senselessly. All the time.
Has anyone else noticed lack of time as they get older, even for no particular reason? Argh!
This is exacly the reason why I don't use the exuse, "I don't wanna." My advice for the day? Just get up, get moving, and do that chore or thing that you've been putting off for a day. A week. Maybe a month. Who knows how long? Just do it. Time is not something that you can buy. As someone who tries to fit a lot of things in, such as art and music, I need to make time.
Remember, no and's, if's, or but's!
Happy blogging!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Trial and Error of Halloween decor

I am glad to say that this is finally done. All bricks are completed, the walls, the lights-done, everything! Sigh of relief.
Don't get me wrong, I really like this picture, but after a while, all that time of carefully, correctly drawing out all the proportioned windows and bricks and architecture really start to get on my nerves!
I spent this year's Halloween decorating my my sister's house. That sounds nice. You might say. Oh really? Does it actually?
This is what Halloween decorating involved this year. Here's just one of my examples.
Putting up twinkle lights. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong!
Detangle them
Test them
Do all that, then realize something's wrong with the outdoor plug-in.
Hang them up. How do you hang them up? What with? Ummmm.....
I resorted to using scotch tape.
Bad idea.
My sister greets someone at the door. She turns to me and mentions that my lights are falling down. Bother!
I will not go into anymore halloween decorating, other than mentioning to be careful when you jump on a sofa to stick streamers to the ceiling, not to spill yellow food coloring all over the kitchen counter, and to keep your cat away from manufactured spider web. Alas, your cat will get a 12 inch rope of this gagging substance down their esophagus, in which your sister will have to pull out.
Halloween turned out pretty well, despite the trials and errors of Halloween decor, but I must say I'm relieved that it's over.
Now, leave me be to decorate for Thanksgiving.
Happy blogging!
Also don't forget to visit my website at: