This is a portrait of my sister's little one year old son, Will, who likes to make cute, and sometimes not-so-cute noises, eat Cheese-its and fruit snacks; (and I don't mean plain old fruit!) those little gummy-beary fruit thingies. Also, Will and trouble just seem to go together like cheese and crackers, or oreos and milk-whether it's turning off or on the TV, calling a confused someone on the phone, or messing with the computer until it starts making irriatated warning noises.
Anyway, it's on blue colourfix done with Prismacolor pencils and it's 4x6 inches. Also, as you can most likely tell, ( I hope so anyway!) it's not done yet. So keep checking in to see the finished product. One other note: the colors which have been really used in this picture so far have been Indigo blue, copenhagen blue, black, ultramrine, and chocolate brown(some of my favorite colors!).
It's getting cold outside at last! Are any of you beginning to think of Thanksgiving, Christmas and (gasp!) the new year? 2007.....eeek!
Time to grab some turkeys people! But, slow down! I wouldn't multi-task if I were you. What are you saying? You might ask. I'm saying, don't put a bottle of champange into a turkey and fold it in holiday wrapping paper with a tacky bow. Better to think of these things one step at a time.
Ah, time for me to prepare myself for IMR (Invasion of the Manic Relatives).
Until then:
Happy blogging, and if you don't hear from me later, Happy Thanksgiving!
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