One humorous idea to use up your old pencil stubs Hi folks!
I come back with peace and offerings, ;). A flower, an actor, some horses, and-gasp, a painting in progress!
Here is the flower that I'm working on. I'd been itching for a long time to work a brightly colored flower on stark black colourfix paper, and yesterday evening I decided I'd give it a go. It's only my third flower, so as always, I'm a little nervous, but it sure is fun putting bright swathes of colors on that black, sandy paper! Here is progress shot one and two for those who are curious.

Not two much of a difference here, but thought I'd post it.
Nasturium study, 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches on black art spectrum colourfix paper
And here is the horse(s) portrait I'm working on; I'm not so certain of it right now, the light source in the reference photo was not so hot, ;). But here it is just the same.
Many Horse study, 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches on terracotta art spectrum colourfix paper
Next in line is the actor, Antonio Banderas, (one of my all time favorite actors!)
Antonio 5x7 inches on bristol smooth done with prismacolor pencils (black, lots of different cool and warm greys, and white)
And here is the painting I started today, 11x14 inches on canvas board, done with acrylics.

Here I am starting out by underpainting some cookies with bright green paint. Ah! How I love the smell of acrylic paint in the morning!

Here is a clearer image of the start that I had.

Okay, now I smeared more bright lime green for the wooden reddish brown table- since the opposite of red is green, and orange cause the grey of the milk has a yellowish warm tone to it.

Now it is officially into the ugly stage.

Now I've added some murky yellow brown over the cookies and a reddish brown table surface.

Now I've added grey to the milk glass and a vague rim.

Ah, a paint snot rag to boot. Enjoy!

I've altered the overall tone of the cookies, worked on the plate, and touched up the grey on the glass.

Make sure you have plenty of room before you get into a painting!!

Here is the collaboration of colors I've used so far for my painting.

Here is my latest update. It looks much better in real life-the lighting was horrible. I've begun to add details to the cookies and touched up the grey on the glass.
Thanks for looking!
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