9 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches on olive green colourfix, done with Primacolor pencils, "It's Showtime!" is at last finished! And good riddence! (I hope I spelled that right!) Those dimples on those oranges were driving me cerrr-razzzay! You can find this latest still life at my website under Still lifes.
Christmas season is finally here! Hurray! My how fast the year has passed. At least, to me it has. My family and I bought stockings yesterday, among other elf-like shopping trips. That's when I realized how crazy and spastic Christmas shopping is. I mean, really! People get so wound up, including me (!) despite having told myself that it's silly to get so hectic. Yet......we do it anyway! Is it in our human nature? From our genes? All that delicious (ooooh, oh so sinful) holiday sugar and caffeine highs?
Whatever it is, low oxygen seems to make this annoyance worse. I know this all too well from shopping at Walmart yesterday. Your husband (any man that is with you for that matter) will start getting more and more enthusiastic, and not neccesarily in a good way. He'll begin pulling at his chin, running his fingers through his hair until it stands up madly, his eyes will get bloodshot, and he'll complain about how hungry he is, in between giving us more sensible females strange and otherwise less than sensible gift ideas. "Hey honey, let's get this hair trimmer set for my sister, she loves to give hair cuts!" or "Oh look! A cheese grater for Sam!" or how about (against your feeble protests) "This is bigger, let's get this one!" You get the idea.
Maybe I can't stop you from becoming hectic, but at least you won't say that I didn't warn you.
Happy Christmas Season and Holidays!
oh, and Happy Blogging!