My kittens are getting very restless by now, since they have probably explored every inch of my room so much by now that they know it better than I do! They've found numerous things which I would have completely forgotten about in places such as under my bed. Things such as paper, rubber balls, jewerly, wash cloths, and numerous lost dust bunny pets. Tamlin, the black kitten, has grown very adventurous and fierce in her advancement of growth, as you can see above.
You can also hear my little feline minions galloping madly across the floor from downstairs. What on earth are they doing? You wonder. They are chasing each other and fighting for ultimate kitten supremacy, that's what they're doing! You'll see them grasping each other's necks and each rabbit-kicking the other's head. Whatever got into these kittens? I ask myself. Too much food, I decide. Or is it too much kitty litter? Whatever the reason, I told someone the other day that if they kept up this head smacking they'd end up completely brain-dead by the time they were full grown. But then, isn't that what happens to all cats?
Until next time,
happy blogging!