This is an art card, 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches on blue colourfix, done with Prismacolor pencils.
I've noticed recently how you won't do much of anything, yet you find that you have no time. My brother complains about this, oh, at least twice a day. You find this out very well when you watch your sister's two year old and one year old for a few days....I won't go into that. All I'll say is that there was a lot of noise, hair-pulling, and sibling rivalry involved.
Anyway, you check out your calender, and you find that everyday is booked. How could this have happened? What am I doing that takes up so much time?
Feeding, playing, doing general verb like things with our seven cats and three dogs. Watching House and America's Next Top Model (why, oh why do I watch that show?) Planning. Planning what? Anything! Everything! I love lists, even if I don't 'touch' them later.
Why is it that I had endless amounts of time when I was young, then? What did I do with my time?
Ate stuffing, refried beans, macaroni and cheese, cheese sticks, milk, apple juice, and french fries. I played with stuffed animals, ran a lot of outside, and argued with my brother senselessly. All the time.
Has anyone else noticed lack of time as they get older, even for no particular reason? Argh!
This is exacly the reason why I don't use the exuse, "I don't wanna." My advice for the day? Just get up, get moving, and do that chore or thing that you've been putting off for a day. A week. Maybe a month. Who knows how long? Just do it. Time is not something that you can buy. As someone who tries to fit a lot of things in, such as art and music, I need to make time.
Remember, no and's, if's, or but's!
Happy blogging!
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