Here's an update on my "horse mane" study, and yes, indeed, you heard what I said. A sculpy dragon. I had the impulse to do one after reading a new young adult novel called "The Fire Within".

Have you ever read a book, feeling rather different afterwards? Did it make the rest of the day, or evening feel like that book? Perhaps you listened to a particular CD at random to listen to while you read it, or maybe you chose one exactly for that purpose, like, say, The Best Of Enya?
I have.
Many people, including my Dad and brother-in-law will just give me one of those funny looks, kinda like "Has she gone crazy?" "Yes, I'm afraid she has."
But I really do think so. I think particular movies or books, or even old memories, will have particular feelings about them. Again, here's the thing. These feelings won't necessarily be one simple emotion, like anger, happiness, joy, fear. It's the way you feel about something, and the combination of things that were going on at the time the memory was being made, when you watched that favorite Star Wars movie (chuckle, chuckle), or read an engrossing book. As for me, what do I think of when I recall past childhood memories? Mmm, playing particular games, drawing with pen and coloring it in with colored pencils, eating warm applesauce (and I mean room temperature, my red haired sister was not the best cook/ meal preparing , har, har, just kidding, kidding, she's better now!) box macaroni, and warm apple juice. Playing outside a lot is a big part of my memories, too. I still remember, (even now in still brisk March) the warm, green, fresh smell of newly cut grass (have you ever noticed how watermelon tastes remarkably like grass cuttings? Think about it next time you take a bite of it) yellow dried straw/hay from older grass clippings, trees (I think oaks and pines have particularly pleasing smells), freshly turned dirt (yes, believe it or not, good soil smells nice ), Enya, Billy Joel, the Beatles, Ah-Ha, and Manheim Steamroller Christmas.
Many more things roll into my childhood memories, but for the sake of my patient reader's attention, I will not list them all.
Am I the only one who feels this way? Or are there, gasp, other who think this way, too?
Do you agree? Disagree? Whatever you think, post a comment; I'm eager to hear what you have to say. ;)