I also forgot to mention that I recently finished putting up my website, where you are free to scroll through my various colored pencil works, at: http://www.sitekreator.com/Blarneygirl15/. Make sure to have something when you look through it, say, a tall glass of ice-cold milk and a mighty stack of oreos, or, my other personal favorite, a container of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, such as strawberry cheesecake, or oatmeal cookie dough.....Mmmmm......
Now, if you don't mind, I will do my best to rub the dreamy expression off my face so that I get myself some ice cream and a runcible spoon.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Where am I?

I know, I know, it's been a while since I've said anything. But it would be a while until you said anything if you had these little guys to watch, huh? Meet Tamlin (black female) and her orange brother, Vinegar. My sister and I rescued them from uncertain 'cat'astrophe (okay, bad pun) of a rather large drain, which their mother seemed to behold no worries about, for she boldly and fearlessly jumped in and out of them regularily. Did I mention that when she jumped down that it was about a 20 foot drop?
Tut, tut, tut. Shouldn't mama cats know any better? Now you know the reason for my unlawful absence.
I did get some work done on my art, though. Here's an update on my after-dark, "Lovers Lane".
Happy blogging!
colored pencil,
Kate Hummel,
Lovers Lane,
mama cat
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Lovers Lane Work In Progress

Inspired by other very talented colored pencil artists, I have decided to start an after-dark picture. An after-dark picture? you may ask? Yes indeed, I reply.
I took several dozen pictures of a cheerful colonial downtown in Virginia, and I myself, as a part girly-girl part tomboy, melted like an orange popsicle on the hottest of Virginia days when I saw this handsome well-dressed couple walk down the street. They were walking together, the man with his arm wrapped tenderly around the woman. I thought, Wow! What a beautiful photo, or maybe even colored pencil piece this would create. I snapped a shot before they became too far down the street, and on the right is what my camera entrapped.
Very soon after I downloaded it onto the miraculously slow laptop that resides lazily on the desk, I decided that I must do it as my afterdark picture. The bricks itched to be sketched, the shapes of the lanterns, begged to be filled, the people, wished to be made alive on paper....
Oh, stop being so gushy! she smacks herself in the forehead.
Happy blogging!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Blooms in October

Ah well, the luxury of artistic license enables me to put on an extra eye or nose if I ever desired to. Not that anyone would look especially good with an extra nose or eye, but I wouldn't wish to offend anyone if he or she would disagree.
Happy blogging!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
My favorite Spot

This is a art card (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches) of our family cat, Milo, on colourfix paper, done by Prismacolor pencils.
This art card was great fun to do, it included so many warm colors.
Burnt Ochre
Look at that cat! Doe's he know how to do anything but lay there like he's in a spa? He's always in that basket, at least if it isn't already taken by another fellow cat. "Milo! Do something useful! Dust some cobwebs with your tail." I should command him. He would merely roll his eyes over to gaze scornfully at me, and I wouldn't even have to hear his low grating of a meow to know that he felt that he was superior in the matter. Oh well, I tell myself, at least he supplies photogenic poses for me to draw.
Meetings and Greetings
Hello folks! As my first post on my blog I will introduce myself, but I'll will not go too far as to bore you. This blog is the holder of art posts, whom the artist lives in the Middle of Nowhere, Virginia. Here you will encounter art of cats, dogs, horses, and anything else I might feel at the moment. I am an Irish musician, action/romance/comedy/fiction/fantasy movie audience, knitter, maker of sweet treats and of humble pieces of art. I, am Kate Hummel.
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